Sunday, 28 October 2012

Cataloging my Joan Elliott charts!

Gosh! I am so bad! I flit from task to task, never completing something before moving onto the next! Today, I was going to continue with the Adele Welsby Blackwork Knot Garden but instead I have been cataloging all my Joan Elliott charts for easy reference. Already down to 116 having only gone through five of her books that I own so far! Four more books to go and then loads of magazines, booklets and loose single charts. Could be here for hours but I will enjoy every one!
Jane x


  1. Hi Jane, I have just discovered your blog through another I follow. I am looking forward to seeing some photos of your stitching!

    Happy stitching xxx

  2. Hello Jane -- Welcome to blogland! I like the template you chose very much.
    You sound so organized. I flit from task to task as well, never really accomplishing anything at the end of the day. If I would just concentrate on one task at a time! well a girl can dream....
    Looking forward to pictures of your stitching too.

    ~~Peggy Lee

    1. Hi Peggy Lee,
      Thank you so much for your message! I'm really pleased with the template as well. Did have it set up with another but then found a load more templates by error and hey presto, ended up with quite a reasonable effort I thought, for a complete blog 'virgin'! Did take me a day to set it up with trial and error and no one to advise or help which actually makes me feel even better about what I've achieved! How silly is that!
      Ha! I still have the same problem as you! No matter how hard I try I just can't stick to one chart/kit at a time. And I really admire people who can!
      Can you let me know the link for your blogspot please so I can watch yours, too.
      Many thanks for your support!
      Jane x

  3. Thank you! I'm getting excited at the thought of getting them sorted and uploaded. How sad is that but it's something I've been meaning to do for ages although I had planned to do it on my Facebook page but setting up my own blogspot is MUCH better!
    Had a look at your many WIPs??!!!! Thought I was bad! Lol!
    I see you have stitched Joan Elliott's 'Angel of Cross Stitch'! I am eagerly awaiting an original copy of the chart I won off Ebay last week although I won't be stitching it yet and have been trying to get a copy for ages! I was trying to be good and get all my WIPs finished before starting anything else from my future projects list but I've already crumbled and have got another two JE's pieces which will be added to the WIP list, 'Dragon' and 'Fairies' from her book 'Bewitching Cross Stitch' just as soon as I have all the required silks and fabric! Lol!
    Anyway back to cataloging JE's charts I currently have. Up to 230 and still loads to do! Then going to do the same with my Margaret Sherry, who I see you also like!
    Many thanks for your support. It's great to know people think my blog is worth watching! And will be even better with the photos!
    Jane x
