Monday, 24 February 2025

Hello! Yes, I really am back!

Well, the title on my last post nearly ten years ago was 'Hello, I'm back! And at the time I really thought I was but sadly life got in the way.

I have continued to stitch, crochet, read books and garden throughout the years but nowhere near as much as I used to but now having recently retired I now find I have more time to do the things I really want to. So in an effort to start 'de cluttering my life' I went through some old stuff (still loads more to do but I've started the process and that's the main thing!) and found my neglected blog was still online and available. It was a relief to know I wasn't deleted in my absence! Lol! So here I am! I admit to not being very tech savvy and even back in 2015 compiling my blog was basically hit and miss and a matter of learning on the job so I'm still confused by the issue of not being able to reply to all comments. Hopefully, I'll now have the time to try and look into that more and even resolve it.

For now, I just need to learn to navigate around my blog again! So bear with me and hopefully I'll soon be up and running again!

I hope everyone who had previously read my posts is well. My life has changed dramatically in the last nine years and I will update things on my blog as and when but in the meantime I just wanted to touch base and say 'I'm back! Again!'

Best wishes to everyone.

Jane X

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